Responsibility Claim attack from Fires the Horizon on 24/9/12 – Athens – Greece


Act for freedom now!/ we receives and transmits:

Translated by the  imprisoned members of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire


Responsibility Claim from Fires the Horizon

We do not want anything to do with those who from their armchairs renounce the violent counter attack against the capitalists who are protected by the murderous weapons of the police while striking miners die of hunger. (…)
Are they not the ones that deprive us of food, blackmailing us with hunger or exploitation?
And someone cries out: “it is necessary to produce!”
The only thing we produce is our chains. The only criminals are the bosses!
Bruno Filippi
 The attack continues …
… and the repression … is upgraded without hesitating to advertise it. And since Dendias (minister of public order ) discovered that the “limited use of chemicals” is expensive and dangerous for world opinion, or anyway not as effective as he would like, he manned water pumps for the demonstrations and shouted it aloud. And naturally the slimy subhumans of the media rushed to publicize it in every way, meticulously concealing the arson of a company that imports and sells security and control systems, at dawn on Monday at  Solomou Street 7  Halandri.
But repression is not only the violence of the cops, it is also the thousands of cops, that for years now, have been sown by power in the minds and souls of so many people throughout the social fabric – and this is its great victory. From the guys who impersonate heroes risking their lives to save the banks’ money to all those who abstain, renounce or oppose insurrectionary violence. A fact that was obvious in the strike on September 26 with the vast majority of the world evidently abstaining from collisions having, rather, the impression that by rumbling their peaceful corpses the State will have pity on them and give them back their lost prosperity. To all of them we have to say one thing: that the struggle against the regime is violent and as such from it should be developed from the base to be victorious.
Social control and the safety culture
And as long as the indiscreet eyes and ears of the state have invaded almost every aspect of the social complex to monitor and manage all social activity, the safety culture has imbued the neurons of society transforming its subjects – oppressed and not, “progressives “,”radicals “, peaceable and conservatives – into loathsome leeches stuck on the values of today’s world. And at this point it legitimates and develops the ideology of security and the whole techno-industrial complex of control and repression that has masters, associates and supporters … for us all of them are enemies. Its attack through capital is not limited to the full subjugation of human and the total destruction of nature, mutated foods, industrial development, killing and torture of animals is the minimal representation of its violent extension. Both the managers of repression from inside their offices, the eager performers of repressive duties -either cops, security guards, human guards or whatever employed in the field of repression – as all those with or without recompense, enhance with technical knowledge, technology systems and equipment, and generally contribute materially or morally to the complexity of repression and control, are targets. In other words, we hate this ideology of necrophilia, its culture and the people who stand for it and we want to target all the hierarchal layers. We want to see the dealers (big and small) of control stabbed, their shops burned to ashes, the companies blown up, maggoty copfriends and fascists with broken teeth after an attempt to impose order and the suspicious deathly quietness that they fantasize about. We want to see the world of order burned beneath the sweeping attacks of those that have chaos shining in their eyes.
But because will and desire goes with the attempt at their realization, we have moved from words to action.
We destroyed with joy the company Transam Trading Co Ltd, at Halandri which offers to trade any kind of high technology  safety and control systems, specializing in various types of high-tech cameras and X-ray systems to scan packages-parcels etc.
Repression does not scare us, it arms us
the best means for the rupture of repression and control are intensification, persistence and the upgrading of the political struggle for the destabilization and destruction of power and capitalism. It is imperative to develop communities of struggle that through their processes will unite and attack the brutality of the state with the way that they choose each time. From dynamic encounters with the cops, destruction and looting of capitalist infrastructures and combatant safeguards aimed at avoiding the arrest and beating of fighters in the street, the development and diffusion of sharp subversive words to face to face attacks on all sorts of our enemies  and conspiratorial direct actions with sabotage, arson, explosions and any other means offered by revolutionary history and imagination. It is equally important to develop infrastructures of solidarity and mutual support as well as useful strategies to avoid attacks from the enemies and become more effective against them.
Guerrilla groups everywhere!
We stand by the fighting captives in prison – Instant satisfaction of their requests
We want to send our undivided love and solidarity to Anarchists Tsilianidi Babis, Dimitri Dimtsiadi, Socratis Tzifka
To the proud members of R.O.C.C.F and to the anarchist Theofilos Mavropoulos
Let the upcoming trials become another cause for dynamic attacks against the structures of domination.
We stand by the comrade Taso Theofilou and the other anarchists accused of involvement in R.O.C.C.F  and deny participation.
We stand by the fugitive urban guerrillas  R.S Nikos Maziotis and Pola Roupa, and by Costas Gourna.
We stand by the unrepentant rebel of N17 Dimitris Koufodinas.
We welcome the execution of three cops of the municipal police in Mexico by insurrectionary Cell Mariano Sanchez Anion-Informal Anarchist Federation.
Solidarity to all the anarchists and insubordinate prisoners in Greece, Italy, Germany, Spain, Mexico, Chile, the U.S. and everywhere that resistance to capitalist barbarism is developed.
Informal Anarchist Federation – Fires on the Horizon
We regret that at the strike we did not meet with the tough “assault battalions” of Golden Dawn, despite the fact that they had announced that they would be present, the party would have been great. Fellow Greetings  to the antifascist patrols.
Solidarity with all those arrested during the strike on September 26.
* The excerpt is in reality a Greek variation of Bruno Filippiʼs words in “Dynamite Speaks” (“Parla la dinamite”); see
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